Giant Steps English - 京都市中京区の個人英会話教室 -

京都二条木屋町の鴨川のほとりの落ち着いた雰囲気の中で本場のブリティッシュ・イングリッシュを学んでみませんか?私共Giant Steps Englishは2005年10月にオープンしたばかりの小規模英会話学校です。講師はケンブリッジ大学認定の有資格者でイギリス・日本でのティーチング経験も豊富な料理とジャズの大好きな陽気なイギリス、ヨークシャーの出身です。イギリスのカレッジ、英国政府系非営利団体、京都市内の企業・大学などでの経験を活かし、単なるフリートークではなく毎回明確なターゲットのあるテキストベースのレッスンでボキャブラリー・文法・会話・リスニング全ての力を向上させませんか?

Giant Steps English 講師

Julian Brennan
Julian Brennan



Think positive. Think English. Think Giant Steps English!

Giant Steps English

Hello everybody and a big, warm welcome to Giant Steps English!
Whatever your reasons for studying English, our school promises to give you everything you are looking for and much more besides.
Welcoming and dynamic; responsive and open; this will be an experience you will help to create as much as enjoy.
With our emphasis on modern, natural English, we aim to help you become an effective communicator while having a lot of fun along the way.
Whether you wish to learn English as a hobby or to travel abroad, or whether you need English for academic or business purposes, this will be an experience which comes from you, the individual.
From private tutorials to small or larger group classes, we have a full-range of up-to-date courses to suit your needs.
If you are new to studying English, the door is wide open. If you are a seasoned learner, the door is wide open.
Using our wealth of experience and know-how, you can rest assured that we’ll do our very best to make it work for you.
We look forward to seeing you in the near future!

Think positive. Think English. Think Giant Steps English!

All the best,

Giant Steps English
Julian Brennan

A message from a teacher: Jane Mclaren


Hi there! My name is Jane and I am very excited about joining Giant Steps! I am from a city called Lincoln which is in the middle of England.
It is a medium-sized city with a lot of history (it is actually an old Roman city!). There's a cathedral (3rd largest in Britain–picture below), a castle ruin, a university and,if you are a fan of British poetry,I can tell you that Alfred Lord Tennyson is also from this city! Although Lincoln is my birthplace,I haven't actually lived there for many years.

I enjoy travelling and have lived in several other places in the UK–Birmingham, Windso, Durham and Edinburgh. I also lived in Bermuda for a few years and have visited Canada, America, New Zealand, Mexico,Thailand, Spain, France,The Canary Islands,The Channel Islands, Hawaii and Austria.
This is my second visit to Japan (yes,I love it here!) and previously I worked for Nova!

I lived in Nara for a while a couple of years ago and, more recently,I spent several months in Nagoya. I came to Kyoto in June this year (2007) and after a few months in Nagaoka-kyo I moved to Tetsugaku-no-michi. It is a beautiful area and I love wandering around the streets and temples taking hundreds of photos.

I think my interest in Japan began about 5/6 years ago.I started taking aikido classes whilst at university in Durham and have since read a few books about it. This has led to a wider interest in all aspects of Japanese culture. At some point,I would like to try other martial arts as well as Japanese tea ceremony, Ikebana, and zazen. Other things that I like to do include painting (watercolour),reading books, watching movies, practicing yoga and taking photographs.
So,I look forward to talking with you and sharing stories and experiences together!

See you soon!

Lincoln, England

Lincoln Catherdral

Illustration by Rob Hague / All rights reserved Giant Steps English